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Building a Strong PR Strategy: Stay Committed to Your New Year's Resolutions

Examples of PR goals that are attainable for 2024

2024 resolutions listing 1. don't quit

The New Year always starts exciting, full of dreams, goals, and a desire to change. Whether you are the CEO of a non-profit organization, a small business owner, or an elected leader of a government agency, you have likely thought about what the New Year's goals mean for you and your organization. Like many resolutions, we start with the best intentions, but here it is 30 days later, and we face burnout. This is so common that the 12th of January is commonly known as 'National Quitters Day.' Research suggests that by Quitters Day, 23% of people have abandoned their resolutions, and 43% quit by the end of the month. As the year progresses, the number of abandoned resolutions increases, with only 9% of individuals who make resolutions completing them.

Whether you have already given up on your PR resolutions or are on the verge, here are a few resolution examples you can make and achieve.

Resolution #1: Create a Strategic Communications Plan

If you don't already have a strategic communications plan in place, or it hasn't been updated within the last year, now is your chance to make the change. A well-thought-out communications plan can shape the rest of the year as it will help bring together all your organization's New Year's resolutions. Sitting with your team and writing out your plan will help keep your business' communications plan with key stakeholders clear and consistent, allowing you to avoid any confusion or inconsistencies preventing you from reaching your goals.

Resolution #2: Tell Your Story

Thanks to the internet and social media, consumers can connect to organizations all over the world. However, the option to shop virtually anywhere has created challenges. You now have to convince your clientele to do business with you instead of the hundreds of others within your niche. Craving personal connection and transparency now more than ever, this is your opportunity to position yourself and your organization as leaders by sharing your story and expertise. If telling your story seems overwhelming, start small. Use a calendar to plan the frequency of disbursing information and determine which platforms and mediums work best for you. As you begin to see your success, incorporate another platform. Control your story by sharing success stories, client wins, and accolades because if you don't, who will?

Resolution #3: Attend a Training

As a leader of your organization, your need for knowledge and learning never ends! Attending an online or in-person training can help boost your communications efforts, improve business practices, and better serve your clientele. Choosing a training can be intimidating if you aren't sure what course to take. Start by finding one that relates to the main issue your company faces. If attending a training is not possible this year, you can also listen to podcasts from PR professionals and gain valuable knowledge and tools.

Resolution #4: Create a Crisis Response Plan

You may think you don't need a crisis response plan, but by implementing a strategy, you can anticipate the threat, defend your reputation, and preclude future incidents. How will you respond to data breaches, product recalls, internal communications going public, dissatisfied employees or customers going viral? These events often leave organizations scrambling for control, and ignoring the problem does not make it go away. Having a crisis response plan can resolve issues as quickly as they arise, and a good team will consist of lawyers, human resources, and communications professionals. If this team isn't currently attainable, consider adding crisis response training to your resolution goals.

These resolutions can be as big or small as you want them. If you start to feel overwhelmed, contact a PR professional for a strategy session for help. Let's be part of the 9% who make New Year's resolutions and keep them!


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